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For the third consecutive year, Kapacity is a Børsen Gazelle company.

Very few companies become Børsen Gazelle, even fewer achieve the title twice - and only a very exclusive group make it through the eye of the needle three years in a row.
October 10, 2016 twoday kapacity

The requirements for becoming a Børsen Gazelle company are tough: Doubling revenue or gross profit over the course of four financial years.

Very few companies can meet these requirements - last year there were fewer than 1,500 - so we are incredibly proud to be able to put the third Børsen Gazelle statuette on Kapacity's Wall of Fame.

The Børsen Gazelle companies are celebrated at five gazelle conferences around the country throughout November. Denmark's Gazelle company number one is announced at the final gazelle conference on November 30 in Copenhagen.

You can learn more about Børsen Gazelle on Børsens website.

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